Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say da Secret Woid ...

There was a time that I had hair and functional knees, could see my feet without sitting down, peed only once before I went to bed and had zits instead of precancerous skin lesions.  It was a time that I baked all day at the beach, I threw my kids in the air (sometimes I'd catch them) and had a groucho moustache and big ugly glasses.

There was a time ...

I was just looking at these old pictures tonight  ... and wondered: "Who the hell's that goofy looking guy holding my children?"


Jenn said...

Those pictures are just precious!!! You are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

It's that teacher from Welcome back Kotter!!!

joel said...

@ Jenn .... Thanks. You're pretty wonderful yourself.

@ Virginia .... I've been told that before when I taught school ... one of the kids who looked alot like Vinny Barbarino used to say: "Hey, Mr. Kotttteeeeerr".

Ally said...

Hi! I'm a new follower! Looks like I've discovered another awesome blog :)

Anonymous said...

Jeff Meserve.....Exactly how I remember you !

joel said...

@Ally ... Thanks! Welcome.

@Jeff ... Great to hear from you ... how are you?

Ballad of the Big Prostate

Here’s a little country tune I wrote just yesterday to commemorate a dark day in my history. I don’t have a tune but realized you can use an...