Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rainy Weekend at the "Movies"

I love rainy weekends ... especially rainy weekends with nothing to do.

I can hole up in my man cave and watch TV, play 300 games of Words With Friends, not bathe, compose some bad tunes on the piano, eat peanut butter ... you know ... mindless stuff that I don't get to do the rest of the week. Well ... except those nights I do the same thing from 3 - 4 in the morning when I can't sleep.

On days like today ... Apple TV has been the greatest invention in recent history. When there is not a Rays game on, I look for movies. I find the stuff that no one else wants to see ... even Debbie.

Yesterday I watched Stoker, the story about "demented Uncle Charlie who comes to live with the emotionally unstable mother of of a friendless girl who just lost her father in a car accident". She becomes infatuated with him, he tries to kill everybody, there is no real ending.

Okay ... it's time to watch a comedy.

I flip on Bert and Arnie's Guide to Friendship. It follows the "romantic misadventures of Arnie Hubert, an executive and unabashed ladies man and Bert Sheering, a sophisticated yet sexually repressed author. When Bert discovers that Arnie is sleeping with his wife ...". Oh well, you get the picture. Then they fall for the same girl ...  Arnie becomes repressed and Bert becomes the ladies man.

I didn't make it to the ending.

Forget it ... let's try a sci-fi ... Antiviral. "Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. Biological communion for a price. He also sells illegal samples of these viruses to piracy groups, smuggling them from the clinic in his own body. When he becomes infected with the disease that killed a superstar ... he himself becomes a target for collectors". Strange, sick and will make you question every blood test you take.

Did I say Apple TV was the greatest invention in recent history?

Oh well, it's one o'clock. I think the Rays are playing.(thank God).       

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