Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blue Skies, Hot and Crazy ... and Free Refills

Here's a picture I took yesterday from my favorite spot in downtown St. Pete across from the jetty and next to the marina.

What a day! What a view! Can you believe we live here?

Have you seen this on You Tube?

It is one of the funniest I have ever seen ... and so true. Okay, some of you women might not agree ... but I love it.

Thanks to my buddy and excellent musician, Peter Van (appearing nightly everywhere as "Backstreet") for sharing.

Finally, here is a picture with a story.

Debbie and I went to the movies the other day and we always get the same thing ... large popcorn and diet coke. NOW they have a deal on large popcorn that drives Debbie crazy. You can buy the container/tub for about $387 and bring it back to the movies as much as you want for free refills.

"How stupid is that?" Debbie asked me. "Who in their right mind wants to take this stupid container back and forth to the movies every time they go just to get refills?"

This guy did ...and so did about 13 others that we saw leaving. 

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Ballad of the Big Prostate

Here’s a little country tune I wrote just yesterday to commemorate a dark day in my history. I don’t have a tune but realized you can use an...