Friday, April 23, 2010

Stuck Here For a While

I had my first MRI the other day.

Make that I had my first Magnetic Resonance ... "squeeze your fat ass into a tube after you get a mask strapped to your face and stuffed into a tube the size of an air conditioning vent while hammers and loud sirens are pumped into the chamber" ... Imaging procedure.

I didn't know if you picked up on the fact that I wasn't enamored with the process.

The technicians that took care of me were nice enough guys. They had seen it all before so I know they were just being kind when they gave me a panic button. I pressed it 37 times like I was a contestant on Jeopardy. No one really heard it ... I'm sure it wasn't connected.

I think they were thinking about the patient that was next up after me ... she had been sitting in the waiting room while everyone figured out how to "fit her in".

I asked them about the results after 40 minutes of pure torture in the chamber ... they appropriately said "Your doctor will give you the findings after he consults with the radiologist ... but we do have a CD for you to take with you."

Wow ... I had my own CD of my brain ... I wasn't sure about the images. But Debbie was positive that one view showed the Virgin Mary. (Man ... she must have really been having a hard time getting a room.)

I think you'll all agree that this profile image was truly the most accurate.



kcl said...

OK, now I'm really worried--was this a guinea pig thingy for the hospital or was there a real reason (besides the looking for Mary in all the wrong places thing)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Hope everything is okie dokie. have you been to see the doctor yet? the one who'll read your pictures?

joel said...

@kcl and Gillian...

Thanks for your concern. Turns out I have a benign growth called a schwannoma (leave it to me to get something with schwann in it). It's being treated nonsurgically and Ill be fine. I am extremely lucky both to be here still and to have so many friends and family who care about me. Joel

Kathryn said...

So, Debbie and I talked about everything (else) at the game last night except "this issue". I didn't learn about "this issue" until Rod mentioned it when we got home. I'm glad you're taking care of it right away.

joel said...

@Kathy ... Tx ... not to worry. Other than the rays loss last night ... life is good!

Ballad of the Big Prostate

Here’s a little country tune I wrote just yesterday to commemorate a dark day in my history. I don’t have a tune but realized you can use an...