Friday, October 30, 2009

Virginia Is For Lovers

In my case ... "Virginia is for lovers who are calling it quits." Carnal and I parted ways in Virginia. After spending the next school year in Greensboro, Tallahassee and Nashville .. we landed in Richmond, Virginia. Carnal decided after this stop, she either wanted to  get a serious relationship going or get a real job. I was standing in my underwear when she made that announcement. She didn't hesitate ... she chose the real job.

St. Christopher's Academy was a beautiful school that was loaded with tradition. Edgar Allen Poe went there (hmmm ... maybe that's why Carnal said "Nevermore"). We taught there for two months and actually lived on campus. The teachers were the tweed type ... patches on the elbows ... hair close cropped ...  always holding a pipe  ... and those were just the females. There was an English professor who was about 65 and named something like Edward (definitely not Eddie). He nodded a lot but I don't remember him actually speaking.

Carnal had to stay an extra week to finish up her classes. She had made up her mind to go back home to Mississippi after finishing up. We had a few awkward goodbyes, and then I left for my next assignment ... Norfolk Academy.

I decided to rent in Virginia Beach. It was close by and there was a motel that did weeklies. It was right across the street from The Edgar Cayce Foundation. What a wierd place that was. Edgar Cayce had some very unusual paranormal theories and lots of followers (who all stayed at the hotel I was in). One day I wandered over to see what was in there and wound up pulled into a circle. There was chanting, talking in tongues and a few seizures here and there. They wanted to sign me up as a follower. I decided to stick with my annual Rosh Hashanah routine.

I called Carnal to see how she was ... and a strange guy answered.

He said, "Carnal is in the shower but will call you back."
I asked, "Who's this?"
"Why it's Edward ... and you are?"
"More than a little surprised!"

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Ballad of the Big Prostate

Here’s a little country tune I wrote just yesterday to commemorate a dark day in my history. I don’t have a tune but realized you can use an...